There are millions of colors in the world but there are only three primary colors, Red, Green, and Blue. All other colors are a combination of these primary colors. However, human eyes can not differentiate most of the colors and therefore color codes were invented.
If you want to find the color codes from an image then you can do that using various free and paid tools. However, the tool that we are going to use to get the color codes is a free online tool and here's a guide to it.
Get Color Code From Image Online
The tool that we were talking about is ImageLR. It is a free tool that can help you pick a color from an image online. When you pick a color you get the equivalent HTML color code for that pixel.
Other than the HTML code you also get the RGB value of the selected color. There are two ways to pick a color. You can either upload an image or you can paste the URL of the image in the URL box to get color code from it.
Here is a step by step guide to both the methods.
1. Upload An Image To Pick Color Code
If you have an image in the local file of your computer or smartphone you can upload it to this tool to pick a color from it.
1. On your browser and visit ImageLR website. Now click on the Browse button.
2. Next, select an image from the device and click on Next
3. Once the image is uploaded, just click anywhere on the image to pick a color.
4. As you do that, the equivalent HTML code and RGB code can be seen on the right side of the screen along with the picked color in the thumbnail.
2. Get Color Code Using Image URL
In case you don't have the image downloaded on your device you can use its URL to get the color code from it.
1. On the ImageLR site, paste the URL of the image in the Enter Image URL box.
2. Now when the image loads, you can just click on it to pick a color of your choice.
3. The HTML and RGB code of the selected color can be seen on the screen as soon as you pick a color.
So this is how you can easily get color code from an image using a free online tool.
The ImageLR tool is a great alternative to any free or paid tool as you don't have to install any extension or software on your device. All you need is an active internet connection to pick a color from an image.
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