December Contest Special Giveaway 2019 - Blogger Tutorial Company

First Learn, Then Earn

December 9, 2019

December Contest Special Giveaway 2019

December Contest by Blogger Tutorial Company


You can win an Exciting Gift by doing simple and easy steps as mentioned below.

Step 1. Subscribe Youtube channel.
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Step 2. Like the Facebook page / Follow me on Instagram page.
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Step 3. Like the contest post on facebook page or instagram post.

Step 4. Tag 3 friends on the post.

Step 5. Share the contest video on your facebook profile and add these hash tags #bloggertutorialcompany #decembercontest #hassanrazatoor #quaidday

Step 6. Comment your profile link.

That's it! You can do this before 21th December. Result will be announced on 25th December. You can watch this video for better understanding.


  1. IAM really waiting for your Giveaway plz giveaway winner Experting I will do still anything IAM completed all task IAM comment on YouTube first name SrinuHari and second in Facebook first plz IAM waiting for giving blogger with AdSense account

  2. I have done all steps thanks
